Carmen McFaull

Every bay is unique, every sunset here is a gift and the trees are designs of nature. Iconic villa views and boats at moorings provide abundant subject matter throughout the seasons.

My work varies from being stylized and semi-abstract, to realistic, impressionistic depending on the theme. At present, I am fascinated with simplifying reality into minimal shapes and tonal changes - as if blurring the detail.

I also love the opportunity to play with colour combinations and distortions with the intention to capture the moment, making a statement on any wall! 

Figurative themes also appeal because they relate to everyday experiences on the island.

Painting is as much a part of my life as eating or resting. Even though I have intention when I begin a new piece, I allow the painting to have a say. There is a great deal of problem solving that goes on but challenge brings growth, satisfaction and endless inspiration and hopefully a positive emotional response from the viewer”

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